Saturday, March 05, 2005

At What Cost?

Has anyone stopped to wonder how much Bush’s jaunts around America to hype the Social Security crisis is costing the U.S. taxpayer? I have no idea, really, but if the massive Secret Service security precautions and cost of local police and other authorities (not to mention any lost revenue to local businesses, etc.) are rolled together it must total millions of dollars each time the trained chimp takes his Washington circus on the road. Whatever the actual cost, if his latest European trip is any example the cost is in the millions, and the current travel agenda is 60 stops in 60 days.

What if, instead of taking his phony dog-and-pony show on the road, Bush stayed in Washington and… gulp! read a book, or actually had a real policy meeting? Better yet, what if he took all that wasted propaganda money and put it in the Social Security Trust Fund instead? Just think how many seniors, on a fraction of this unnecessary expense, could live out their lives in security. Would that be asking too much of a man who ran in 2000 as a “compassionate conservative” (a moron’s oxymoron if I ever heard one)?

George Bush is a dry-drunk psychotic (who needs all that AA 12 step apologizing shit?) who is hell-bent on dismantling the most successful government program in America’s history. Any concession to his plan to destroy Social Security would be, and is, a travesty. With the 2006 mid-term elections a soon to be reality, our legislators need to feel our hot breath on their necks. In the meantime we can watch as our favorite fiscal conservative pisses important millions down the drain.

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