Friday, February 11, 2005

Domestic Policy... What Domestic Policy?

Anyone who thinks genuine policy planning has a place in our current White House should read “Why Are These Men Laughing?” by Ron Suskind. Written for Esquire in 2003, it more than explains the bizarre difference between what George W. Bush says and reality—there’s no substance to his actions beyond pure politics. Of course, Karl Rove is at the center of the action.

One senior White House official told me that he’d be summarily fired if it were known we were talking. "But many of us feel it’s our duty—our obligation as Americans—to get the word out that, certainly in domestic policy, there has been almost no meaningful consideration of any real issues. It’s just kids on Big Wheels who talk politics and know nothing. It’s depressing. Domestic Policy Council meetings are a farce. This leaves shoot-from-the-hip political calculations—mostly from Karl’s shop—to triumph by default. No one balances Karl.

"There is no precedent in any modern White House for what is going on in this one: a complete lack of a policy apparatus," says DiIulio. "What you’ve got is everything—and I mean everything—being run by the political arm. It’s the reign of the Mayberry Machiavellis."

Now, it’s 2005 and nothing has changed.

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